Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Stuffed animals on your head!! You love to do this exercise!!

This is something we work on, in different ways, all the time in our group lessons or individual instruction.  We may put the stuffed animals on our heads, that you guys loved walking around the courts with. This is one of those, "little things make the big things happen," point.  Remember the ball I attached to the Tree that you were instructed to look at after you hit the one ball, that you'd watch it and count to 10.

That is all about a simple muscle memory exercise to keeping your head still at contact. Nick Saviano, the USTA national team coach, is the instructor seen in it. I love this clip, he uses a baseball analogy that I frequently make note of to all my students. I want you to watch it and take specific note of his description of the front shoulder when he uses that analogy. Hear him state the need to be and stay with the ball at contact, and not focused at all over to the other side of the net. Hear what he says about power and keeping your HEAD STILL

Hold Eyes At Contact Point After Ball Leaves The Racquet

We recently talked about signature moves, coach Bo has one specific signature move where he is trying to pump up the energy and get the group or individual up for tennis, i.e. the clap while going into a genuflection.  Does tennis have any signature moves you could describe. 

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signature_move - defined and quoted below.

 A signature move is a move or ability that is almost analogous to the person or character that uses it. This may infer that the move is usually a staple of the user's repertoire, and on most occasions was invented by the performer.

 The term "signature move" applies to a range of physical activities like dancing, gymnastics, boxing and professional wrestling. A prominent example of the phenomenon of signature moves is Michael Jackson and moonwalk; The two topics have become inextricably linked with each other. 


Here's Ben Stein's signature move, but really line and presentation of it, as seen in Ferris Bueller's Day off.  These lines he repeats over and over again, and in that monotone voice are as identifiable with him and the movie, as any I can ever remember.   What is your favorite line from this John Hughes classic.  Hughes wrote and directed many a movie which were shot in Chicago suburbs like Northbrook, Wilmette and Highland Park, which to me all looks a lot like locations in Haddonfield, Haddon Heights and Medford. 

                                                        "Bueller ... Bueller ... Bueller"

                                                         Coach Bo, first worked on his signature moves as Pipsqueak in the Nutcracker, back in 1929.
                                                         This is the same middle school stage I recently saw some perform on in a spring music recital.

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