Sunday, April 13, 2014

Haddonfield Plays & Players ... Scene I Wedgewood Win With Gus & Gameball Winner Ray. Scene II Mr Holman's 1,000th win ceremony

Richie and Dorrian are dialed in

Gus and Ray played spectacular today, this might have been our only win of the day, and there is no shame in that.  We got a great test which will only make us sharper come playoff time.

Those glasses see the ball so Ray can BE the ball

This guy felt pretty lucky that I was able to be here at the Centennial Courts for this post match ceremony honoring Mr Holman's 1,000 win as head boys coach, wherein he got his 1,000 win as girls coach this past Fall.   He is the only high school tennis coach to ever reach 1,000 wins in both girls and boys tennis.  If we happened to have a match at another location I would have missed it and Mr Holman probably would have wanted it that way.  I'd be honoring him by simply coaching, doing the same thing he did today.

If Mr Holman had a 'Pyramid of Success,' at the top it would state to be a better person today than you were yesterday, and that would be the key to being a better coach  To treat any member of the team as important as you would the best player on the team.  I'll probably never be as good as he is, the person or coach, but I'll always try harder, work harder & think more about how I can be a better today than I was yesterday, and he is the major reason why.  I'm pretty certain he is checking the Audubon box scores as I think he once was when I was at Paul VI, but the question he asked me after this ceremony, about our season thus far, only hinted at that statement.  He's got a photographic memory, which he tries to hide, it's kinda scary.

I was reminded how much of an honor it was to play for Mr Holman but also how much it means to myself and other former players to still have him in our lives and supportive in anyway we ever need.   Mr Holman continues to do this for almost anyone who ever played for him.  Though he would never ask us, I and I think many of his former and current players would agree, if he pointed to a brick wall, I would go through it.

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